Measurement and sampling technology to reduce your ecological footprint

Table of contents

As indicated in our first article “As manufacturers, why adopt new eco-responsible practices?”, we wanted to show you a simple method of approach to reduce your environmental footprint. In this article, we present the advantages of the “DronexpAIR” technology for the stages of diagnosis, validation of corrective actions and preventive monitoring.

Embedded drone technology is an innovative solution that allows you to :

  • Perform real-time ambient air quality measurements and air sampling in hard-to-reach or unsafe locations (industrial chimneys, landfills, shipping and other inaccessible areas)
  • Measure gas concentrations in real time, up to 7 different gases if desired (contact us for availability and list of the different sensors used at DroneXperts). Here is the list of the main gases: examples of GHG emissions associated with different activities.
Greenhouse gases (GES)Main sources (non-exhaustive list)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)– Combustion of fuels
– Industrial processes
Methane (CH4)– Burial sites
– Oil and gas projects
– Livestock farming
Nitrous oxide (N2O)– Agricultural projects
Sulfur hexafloride (SF4)– Electricity production and transmission
– Manufacture of electronic components
– Magnesium production
Nitrogen trifloride (NF3)– Manufacture of semiconductors, solar panels, flat screen televisions and touch screens
Families of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs)– Refrigeration and air conditioning equipment
Source: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE (MELCC). Guide to quantifying greenhouse gas emissions, 2019, 107p.
  • Map emissions over the entire area using the measurement system. Target the places to be sampled, in particular with geolocation, and finally do the sampling with the best sampling tool(s) depending on the gas present.
  • Detect the main contaminants present in the ambient air, on landfill sites or industrial sites. (Example: atmospheric emissions of methane from the decomposition of organic matter in a landfill) (Example: GHGs).
  • Quantify not only the presence of known gases, but also the presence of other particles or gases in the ambient air through sampling and analysis of sampling in a certified laboratory.

What to remember about drone-assisted measurement and sampling technology

  • Perform ambient air measurements and sampling in hard-to-reach places ;
  • Innovative and essential decision support tool during diagnosis ;
  • The precise data collected will allow you to take better corrective and follow-up actions and thus reduce your ecological footprint and meet the expectations of your stakeholders.

You can learn more about our solutions and the DroneXpAIR in the following article
“How can the DroneXpAIR become a decision-making aid to reduce your ecological footprint? »



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